Increasing temperatures, bleaching coral reefs, pollution, population explosion and steady depletion of natural resources have forced people to opt for eco-friendly ways of sustaining their lives. The world is certainly looking for a clean and renewable source of energy to cope with the energy and pollution problems. Many ideas of renewable energy are making an impact, but they are still struggling to earn the status of renewable energy source. Solar energy is undeniably the most hyped renewable energy; however, it still is having a hard time to earn the status of being a cheap source as well.
When we talk about solar energy, we normally mean solar panels. However, the cost of making solar panels is much more than the energy produced, which further makes it altogether an expensive proposition. For producing solar panels, makers use electricity generated by burning fossil fuels. Now, a new study from the researchers of the Stanford shows that the solar energy is not that expensive as the energy produced by them equals energy required to make them.
Last year, solar panels sold online all over the world produced enough energy to even out energy required to manufacture them. The statistics are certainly bright, which further go on to state that by 2020, the production of solar energy will certainly offset the cost of producing the solar panels. Once all the extra cost such as installation cost and material cost is under control, there will be no limitations to this outstanding source of energy.
Though it’s not as easy as it seems to be, researchers are very optimistic about the role of solar power in future. It is and will be the main source of clean and sustainable energy in the times to come.
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